
Frequently asked questions

Do you have a question for us? We have the answer(s).
If you can’t find the answer to your question, please email us at
Who can enter?
These highly-regarded accolades are exclusively awarded to creators of exemplary content, whether you’re a professional content creator, or if you’re just a regular person who has created something so great that it’s gone viral.

For this year, you need to be South African / live in South Africa for most of the year to enter any category besides the Pan-African Award. For the Pan-African Award you would have to reside in any other African country, except South Africa.

You have to be 18 years or older to enter the awards.

Please refer to the T&Cs for additional details.
How do I enter?
To enter, you’ll need to register and submit your entry (or entries) via the category page that fits your entry. View the 2024 categories here.
How much does it cost?
All of the categories celebrate the people behind the content, so for this year, they’re free to enter.
How many entries can I enter per category?
You may enter multiple categories if they’re applicable to you, but you may only enter once per category, so choose your entry wisely.
What consent or approvals do I need to get?
You’ll need to get the consent of anyone involved in the creation of the content. For example, if you’re a brand entering the influencer category, you’ll need to get consent from the influencer to enter the content that they’re featured in. If you’re an agency that’s entering on behalf of your client, they’ll need to consent to it.

We’ll just need you to submit a signed letter from them with your entry, it’s easy!

If you’ve collaborated with someone (person/brand/agency/anyone), please agree with them first on who will be submitting the entry so that we don’t get the same entry more than once.

For duplicate emtries, only the first one will be accepted.
What is the Content Creator Workshop?
The workshop will focus on emerging content creators, marketers, influencers and anyone wanting to build a career using social media as a platform, by developing content and assets for brands, agencies and the like.

We’re still working on the programme, but it’ll go something like this:
  • Guest session with two high profile content creators – skill sharing.
  • Presentations and workshops from award-winning marketing, digital, influencer and PR agencies on topics such as ‘how to monetise your content’, filming, shooting, editing, content creation, storytelling, business skills (pricing, invoicing, etc.) and how to develop pitches to present to potential brands and agencies.
  • An opportunity to enter the Content Creator Awards in a category specifically created for emerging talent.

What do I win?
Each winner receives a stunning trophy designed by Shaun Oakley (That Damn Vandal), and a prize hamper of very cool sponsored gifts.  We’ll announce the full prize list a little closer to the date of the awards. 

The awards event: If you’re nominated, the night’s on us*. Prepare to be wowed!*Travel/accommodation may be for your own account, sponsorship pending.

Link to your entry: All content will be viewed from your platform, so we’ll drive fans to your pages to grow your community.
What year does the content have to have been created in?
As this is an annual event, the content needs to have been posted between April 2023 and April 2024.
If you’re involved in the awards, can you still enter?
The founders of the awards won’t enter their campaigns, but if you’re involved in some way (an MC, a designer, an ambassador, part of the production crew, etc), you’re welcome to enter, as long as you’re not entering work that you’ve created for the awards.

There will be no conflict of interest, as when it comes to the judging process, no judge will be able to vote for any category that they’re even remotely associated with.
Who are the judges?
Each category will be judged by the best in the business, from content creators, to marketers, to brand managers, to creative directors. Some of the judges or MCs might have entered categories themselves, but they will not be able to vote for work submitted in that particular category.
How does the voting work?
  • All nominees will be selected by a panel of judges.
  • The judges will score the entries and the top five entries will become the nominees in that category. 
  • Once the five nominees in each category have been announced, some of those categories will open to the public for voting, which will garner huge reach.
  • The public will be directed to the event’s website where the nominees in each category will be listed, with a link to their entry housed on their own social media platforms.
What format do I enter my content in?
For the bulk of the entries, you just need to submit the link to your content on your social media page.
Can I enter my content if my page is private?
No. In order to enter, you need to submit a link to the content. If your page is private, the judges won’t be able to view it to vote for it.
Can I cancel my entry?
Our judges are looking for the content that stands out the most. It could be clever, or creative, or well shot, or unique or just damn brilliant. They’ll be looking at its engagement and shares, but it doesn't need to be the most widely shared or the most engaged with, as all entrants have a different follower base.  Please refer to the judging criteria for each specific category. 
  • You may request cancellation of your entry by sending us an email titled ‘ENTRY CANCELLATION’ before registrations close on 21 June 2024.